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Trigo Throwing Game

TRIGO ist ein Spiel für 2 bis 4 Spieler, bei dem die 3 Trigo-Sterne ein Dreieck in ca. 3 Metern Entfernung von der Wurflinie bilden. Die Spieler wechseln sich beim Werfen der Ringe ab. Das ZIEL besteht darin, die Ringe in die Mitte des dreieckigen Raums zu werfen, der durch die Trigo-Sterne entstanden ist, und Punkte zu erzielen. Eine weitere Strategie besteht darin, Punkte dadurch zu erzielen, dass man die Position des „Dreiecks“ verändert, wenn ein Ring über den Stern geworfen wurde.
Product code: NA847113
  • a novel game that promotes both strategy and coordination
  • Dimensions of the trigo field: Minimum size 3 x 3 meters
  • contains: A total of 12 rings – 3 each in the 4 colors gray, green, red and yellow; 3 trigo stars;3 meter-throwing/measuring tape and measuring stick
Title Trigo Throwing Game
Product number NA847113
Size 25 x 18 x 25 cm
Weight 1.2 kg
Play tips
CONSTRUCTION - Players set up 3 trigo stars at a distance of 1 meter in the form of a triangle at a distance of 3 meters from the throwing line. WAY OF PLAYING - The players take turns throwing their 3 rings behind the throw line in such a way that they land inside the triangular field. "Ring on star" -allows the player to call TRIGO: the star can now be thrown to a new position, as a result of which the opponent's rings may be positioned so that they no longer score, since the triangle has changed! SCORE POINTS: If one player ring is inside and another ring of the same color touches one inside, all are inside the triangle. Place the measuring tape from star tip to star tip to see if the ring is inside the triangle. It will take several rounds until the winner is determined!
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